Thoughts on the Time Space Continuum


This discussion started as comments on

So. The auto-simultaneously generated   virtual synthesis of reality that one can exist in and change as the Matrix,  would only exist in one’s consciousness which may be the canvas for all realities.

The use of the Matrix as an analogy confuses the issue because there is no “alternate” reality below the surface or hidden anywhere.  Also we are not creating a virtual “in consciousness” reality – we are literally creating a very REAL material world with our thoughts and beliefs.  Just because your consciousness has manifested a nice car for you to drive does not mean that it can’t be stolen or crashed if you allow that to happen.

To be outside of your consciousness is the question?  If you’re outside of your consciousness who controls what is happening every second of reality? (The Game)
The game needs a player.

You can never be outside of your consciousness – but you can always extend the range of your consciousness.  If your localized expression of consciousness (that’s John and Steven at the moment) achieves a really good connection with what we can call the “cloud” – a computer/network analogy is quite good – your temporarily localized consciousness (having residence in your “player”) has access to all that has ever existed.  Most times we only get bits of communication with our more cosmic self – our “Source or cosmic or Soul, whatever” self is like a drop of water in the ocean of all of creation – a Universal energy field – the 95% of the Universe that remains undefined other than as dark matter – unique but also inseparable from the whole.  Those signals and bits of information come to us in the form of inspiration and feeling good or bad about something going on.  They drive our EGS (Emotional Guidance System).  “Let your heart be your guide” has profound truth – you can do and create anything you want but you to have fun in the “creation game” – which is why you came in the first place – if you don’t follow the direction of your EGS you will not have a very good time playing.

So you are never outside of your consciousness since it IS you – however you can run locally on auto pilot (ego basic operating system) where your consciousness has forgotten it is supposed to be running the show and it is just observing what the character it has created as an interface with the material world decides to do.

In the Game….
The concept of time travel sounds do able  …going into the future or back in time. But if you start thinking about the complexity of it. You would have to effect time and space in all directions infinity at the conscious point of your journey.

So let’s think about time travel.  Going back in time as a spectator would not be particularly difficult since you already have been there – you have definitely played the game many many times before.  Through your connection to the “cloud” you could access information like tuning in an old TV show.  I think the point is why? other than for amusement like watching the old TV show.  You are at the edge of Creation – it is the only NOW that exists and you are playing an important role in designing it.  What we are saying here is that you and I are LITERALLY CREATORS of time, space and matter.  We are doing it as a group but the more “belief” energy you can summon, the more you will be in the driver’s seat rather than just along for the ride.
It’s easy to say it or think we are in a game …..but the science is not there. It is like the complication of time travel.

The science is definitely moving in the direction of appreciating how much “belief” affects material reality.  Quantum Physics has demonstrated clearly that the expectation of the observer in an experiment affects the result.  Now, as to the “game” aspect – you can read the more complete set-up in my book ( but again the idea is that you are a point of consciousness (like an individual computer on an infinite network) that is operating this very real avatar physical form that happens to be called (your name here).  The concept of a “game” should not imply that it is not REAL – it is all very real it is just that you get decide what real is.  AND, the only REAL is right here and now because in the ongoing action/creation arena, this is all there is – so you can’t really travel in time because it is all right here – there is nowhere to go.  You are at the ever evolving edge of Creation – the only place anything is happening NOW.  Also, it is you that is creating the future realities because you at the point where everything new is unfolding into the material.

Who created the game and its rules.

GOD – Source – the Force – an all encompassing energy field – or maybe just a far “bigger” being that we are inside like one of the zillions of cells in our own physical bodies.  Anyway, like our “cells” we are part of “it”.  The “game” was created as the medium for this energy field to express itself and have some fun and adventure.  First it created the heavens and Earth… after a lot of work, we came along and gradually became very advanced individualized expressions of Source.  We are quite special because while as a species we still have a ways to go, we are reaching the point where we are realizing we have been given the keys to the control room.  We have what many other life forms do not: the power to choose what we want.  We can be and do whatever we want as long as we are willing to accept and believe in our power.

There is really only one rule to the game – Ask and It is Given.  Like having a magic lamp with unlimited wishes – all we have to do is ask and believe to get whatever we want.  The catch 22 that gets people all the time is that “asking” always has two possible energy signatures – one is focused on the “wanting” and the other is focused on the “not wanting” – you will get the response asked for either way.  Lots of times nothing much happens because you really want that new car but you really don’t think you are going to get it for some reason – your energy is not focused in either direction.

Why do we play it?

Why do we play?  For the fun and adventure of living the story we create for ourselves – love, joy, heartbreak and the good old thrill of victory.  People have a lot of interesting and exciting stories going on that we get to interact with and help shape the outcomes and plot twists in directions we find pleasing.  It’s quite exciting and thrilling even – to come up with ways to fly around the planet and have vehicles that can speed us around… the satisfaction of coming up with some way to help another character repair the avatar they have for the game… all kinds of things driven by our constant urge to improve things and add more satisfaction and joy to the story of us.  It really comes down to being about LOVE – it is like an artist channeling love and spiritual energy into a new physical form.  I think LOVE is actually the best name for the force we all exist in and tap into to create our moment to moment realities.

I find the answer here…. 
If there were no words…..would there be a game? Words are our illusion. Seeing past words is our journey.

I think words are merely our common means of articulating what is going on in the game – maybe game is too flippant a term to use – we are talking about creating all that is – solid and very REAL although always in our control.  In the possibly near future we probably won’t need words at all.  Words are only necessary because most of us are too anxious about being this little spec of life in a vast and unknowable Universe.  Once we relax and more of us realize our true nature the separation between us will dissipate and we will be able to communicate without words.  So, yes, seeing past words is actually our journey.

The point I believe, is not to take ourselves so seriously or anything for that matter.  Just keep your direction and belief energy following toward the direction your heart takes you and enjoy the adventure constantly expecting it to unfold in magical and exceptionally wonderful ways.  Cheers.

Any Day Is A Great Day To Begin

A New Year’s Tale  by Rasjohnmon
(Magic Words: Shara Vana Ya)
It’s a balmy day as you and I sit here on this covered terrace facing the beach outside the reception area at this retreat in the islands.  Just sit back in your chair and hear the gentle waves in the distance – the cool breeze rustling through the lush vegetation carrying scents of the nearby ocean and tropical flowers.   You can hear the sounds made by local birds and bugs going about their daily affairs.  It’s a soothing concoction for the senses and it is so pleasant to just let go of any resistance and relax into the flow of the abundant energy of the natural wonders surrounding us.  It is easy to let go of the stress and strain that can often feel overwhelming in our practiced reality of everyday life.
I am so glad you have joined me here in this peaceful loving place for a little time of reflection and introspection.  This is a frame of mind just right to begin a New Year of new adventures and fun.  There is one condition.  You must accept (or at least seriously contemplate) one central truth:  Reality is whatever you believe it is.  While you may not actually be sitting in a chair looking out on a beautiful tropical beach in this moment you can easily make that a future reality if you choose.  The problem is that since the moment you were born, the world has been trying to control you by making you believe in limitation and lack, separation and distrust.  The hidden story is that you are actually a very powerful creator able to shape time, space and matter to be whatever you choose to dream up.  Sadly, most people believe they are destined to simply make the best of a world of circumstances they have little or no control over.   This New Year’s Tale is about you recognizing more about who you really are and learning to play a part much more in line with your true capabilities.  Words can’t really communicate the thrill and challenge that comes with this realization but that is where we are headed.
The awareness of your true nature, which ultimately is all about energy and vibration and your ability to intentional shape physical form and circumstances to your will, may still seem a bit abstract or even improbable but don’t worry about it.  For our New Year’s Tale, we are inviting you to take a more intentional role in the story unfolding on this lovely little planet we have named Earth.  In this ongoing tale you have already played many parts and you are really quite a good player.  Right here and now, you have created a life that may seem challenging to you but, in the scope of things, most others would consider you to be quite successful.  That said, you are capable of much more.  You are also here at a critical time and your energy is needed to keep life on this planet moving in more loving and abundant directions rather than getting stuck in a darker time.
As in any great adventure, there are always threats to the wellbeing of the whole.  Why? Because it is the unwanted that points the direction to the new and improved reality.  Here we come to the root of why there is struggle and disease.  As we mentioned, since your birth you have been taught that there are always limits and that you can’t have everything that you want.  There are laws and rules you must obey.  You have to earn everything you get. Only the strong survive.  These are all concepts designed to control you and make you conform to belief in a reality of limitation and heartless competition for power.  It is important that we make it clear that there is nothing wrong with playing that passive part if you are fine with the status quo.  You just need to know that there is no finite substance to it – it is a figment of the imagination held together by the predominant beliefs of those active in the game at the moment.  This brings us to the central vision that you will begin to intentionally direct your creative power to transform reality in more desirable ways.
Consciousness is the fabric of the real world – the shaping and molding energy.  As part of Universal Consciousness, each individual’s beliefs create an image of the world.  Where those images overlap we find the life framework generally considered to be reality.  Truth has nothing to do with it.  Predominant beliefs are quite often totally wrong.  What’s the purpose?  Very simply the purpose is the creation of an ever more intricate, beautiful and loving experience for consciousness.  Why is it a challenge?  It is a challenge because each of our points of creative consciousness is out of control.   The other animals and plants on the planet operate in almost totally pre-programmed ways – they don’t make conscious choices about how to live.  We on the other hand can choose to do whatever we want regardless of how foolish or even self destructive it may be.  This is why “society” is so determined to enforce controls.  It believes conformity and control are the only way to protect us from ourselves and each other.
This is where the ongoing evolution of consciousness and current social conventions come into conflict.  Enlightened consciousness is creating the ever advancing edge of our time space reality where all the action is.  That is where you have found yourself.  The future is yours to shape and this is why it is very important that you turn away from the fear and hate filled stories of the past and present.  There are untold numbers who totally buy into the belief that the only way to “win” is to dominate and control.  They are fully vested in a power structure that they believe represents the way things should be.  The only real power is control over others.  This all comes from a belief that reality is something we have no choice about – we just have to deal with it.  The sad thing is that people will kill and destroy with an absolute belief that they are doing something noble and right.  The real truth is that they are fighting against a future they fear where they no longer will be allowed to dominate the will of others or control them.
So, why are we calling this a New Year’s Tale?  We are reaching a tipping point.  We are coming to a point where a critical mass of individuals have evolved consciously to a point where they realize they clearly have some ability to shape and control events and circumstances to produce the results they are interested in.  People who realize that all fears are based on a false understanding of how reality works.  People like you, who recognize that your “reality” is not the same as everybody else’s know that personal beliefs shape and control personal reality.  Everyone is free to believe whatever they want.  The message of this New Year is that you will know you now are intentionally designing whatever reality you want for yourself.  To do this you need to place your attention and appreciation on the things you want for the world and turn your back on fear and hate.  You will no longer try and fight the wrongs of the world.  Your growing belief in the power of love and light will heal the wounds and quell the anger.  There will be more frontiers ahead but for now our mission is to bring ever more love and joy to the world through intentionally imaging new improved realities.
Together let’s make it a Happy New Year and bring lots of Joy to the World!
To get yourself off to a good start, take a few moments to lessen the resistance to your own good  by sitting back in that chair listening to the lightly breaking waves and enjoying the sounds of those sea birds at play.  A little meditation break is ideal to help you restore your balance and personal power.  Here’s a good mantra for you:
Shara Vana Ya (My awareness is aligned with the creative power of the Universe)
By the way, if you don’t meditate it is a very easy and useful tool for better living.  Simply sit in a relaxed quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed.  Close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths consciously willing your body to relax and let tension go. Then begin repeating “Shara Vana Ya” to yourself (silently) over and over again.  Whenever you realize you have drifted away from saying the mantra to yourself just come back to repeating it in your head again.  Losing the mantra and coming back to it is perfectly natural.  No effort is needed and you can’t do this wrong.  Meditate for 15-20 minutes once or twice a day. Right after you get up in the morning is a perfect time.  You will find it increasingly relaxing and energizing over time.
Again, Happy New Year, Happy Today!  Live long and prosper by sharing your joy and love to the world.