The Hardest Part Is Getting Past Now.


Now is all you have to work with. If you could be finished with all of your past and be totally confident in your ability to decide what your future was going to be it would be no problem. The reason getting past now can be so tough is that you invested a lot of time in creating a very elaborate interactive character that goes by the name of (your name here). If you are like most people you find it difficult to accept that you are under no obligation to give anything that has happened up until this moment any importance in determining your future now’s. The problem is that you think your past has to matter. It doesn’t. Like everything you do right now, it is a choice you are making now.

All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players.  You are that actor and each day you should be working at improving the character you are playing. You may say that is what you are doing. That is probably true but you are very likely missing one key part of the equation. You are probably carrying around a lot of baggage thinking what has happened in your past now’s matters. In “reality” none of the past has any more importance than what you choose to give it. Everything except right NOW is in your imagination and has no reality other than what you choose to give it. It is whatever you have decided to believe it is and nothing more. That gets back to why getting past “now” can be so difficult – most of us place a great deal of importance on what has happened in our past and allow it to define much of what we see as “now”.

Forget your past. There is nothing to regret or feel guilty about. A good athlete spends no time feeling guilty about a missed catch – they just get focused on being ready for the next opportunity to make a great catch. Place no importance on a “mis-take” – just get focused on making your now go the way you want it to.

An even bigger realization is that like the actor in a play, if you want to, you can decide to play and entirely new character having very little to do with the part you were playing in those past nows.  A little amnesia could be helpful – we would then be trying to figure out what was going on rather than dealing with all of the things we had forgotten about.  We often get so invested in the role we have created for ourselves that we take ourselves way to seriously. You may think that everything you do in your life matters. It does but no more than the part an actor plays in a play. It is all supposed to be for fun and adventure – an intricate interactive game. Don’t let the world you have invented in your mind limit you in any way. You need to remember that you have no limits on you except what you choose to believe in.  You are totally in control of all your now moments. You are fully capable of changing, defining and doing whatever you want with your character. Don’t let your past trap you in a now that you are not happy with.

Imagineer yourself to a wonder-filled future of nows! 

Your Ship Has Come In. It’s Time To Get On Board For The Adventure Of A Lifetime.

Welcome to an exploration and guide to intentionally designing your personal reality.  Where you are right now and the life you are living is exactly where you need to be to move forward into this magical future of your own design.  In the days ahead you will find a reality where every day the joy of appreciation and adventure become the ever increasing focus of all your moments experiencing this physical world.  Just as important, as your skills develop you will have a positive transformative effect on the reality of everyone in your sphere of influence which ultimately is as vast as all of Creation.  This is really why you are here at what we shall call the cutting edge of Reality – you are here to have the fun and personal satisfaction of designing a life for yourself where you are consistently taking advantage of the vast energy you have at your command to shape reality.  Learning to let your “heart” be your compass, you will realize the value and importance of all of your hopes and dreams so that with confidence in the rightness of your mission you can allow the unfolding of a new reality filled with an ever increasing amount of happiness, prosperity and love.

The objective is to get you to realize you are controlling everything going on in your life.  Your thoughts and beliefs shape your experience of the world.  More than that we want to convince you that you can make whatever you want happen in your reality.  You have the absolute ability to design whatever storyline you want for yourself.  After reading through this guidebook you will realize that you are the cause and not the result of what has been going on in your life.  You will learn that with enough belief in yourself you can channel the unlimited power of Creation and reshape reality to your wishes.  You are at the cutting edge of Creation and it is up to you to determine the future.  You have been born into a time of great transition and transformation.  There are very powerful forces at work and the world is being divided between two diametrically different world views.  One is based on beliefs and traditions that have been dominant for centuries.  This was the age of Man and the material world.  The new age is shaped by consciousness and the realization of personal power.

Whether you are high or low in life the ideas in these pages will give you a perspective to help you get more out of everything you do.  While I am going to possibly offer you a unique perspective, none of the ideas or formulas in this book are new.   They are time tested and have been proven by individuals like you over and over again.  I think you will find that the ideas “feel” right.  Because of how energy and the cosmos work, it is safe to say that you would not be reading this now if it was not information you were looking for.  The words will mean different things to different people and what you do with the ideas is of course totally up to you.  The inspirations found by different people will vary based on mood and where they are on their personal evolutionary path.  Consider the concepts presented here and decide for yourself how they can benefit you.

It is totally possible for you to design a unique life experience for yourself regardless of what is going on around you.  You do not need to let the horrors of the world many live in have any impact on your life but this requires that you never tune into those “unwanted” frequencies.  In our world today those cruel, hateful, fear-ridden and poverty filled channels occupy a lot of airspace.  Common wisdom would suggest that we have no choice but to deal with all the unwanted stuff – maybe we think our only option is to “fight” it.  Here’s the glitch in that thinking: by “believing” in the horror we are further activating it – we are directly contributing to its creation.  Since “belief” controls everything about individual reality, it is up to us to come together and “believe” in an ever new and improved collective reality.  It is a big concept but what I am postulating is that by building a consensus of a better world our combined conscious energy can heal and positively evolve the planet and all of Creation for that matter.

Just as I don’t think you are reading these words by accident, a short time after finishing writing much of this book, I came across a book by Hank Wesselman called The Bowl of Light.  The book recounts discussions with a highly respected Hawaiian teacher and healer, Hale Kealohalani Makua, who, as Mr. Wesselman states at the beginning of the book, “entrusted me with his spiritual knowledge and who encouraged me to bring it to a wider world.”  Makua was a modern day Shaman and direct descendent of a long line of Hawaiian Spiritual leaders.  Wesselman’s book is an amazingly insightful book filled with valuable knowledge if you are determined to make a big step in your personal evolution of consciousness.  The truly exciting element for me was that all of the “knowing” that was expressed through Makua’s wisdom tradition was a powerful validation of the direction of ideas in this guidebook from a place far away in time and space and culture.  Reading it, while the metaphors differed, you will find no contradictions, only further illumination of the ideas.  I highly recommend putting The Bowl of Light on your reading list.

In Hank Wesselman’s book, Makua explains that we are entering the “Sixth Level of Reality” which began in 2013.  This curiously ties into the exact time the centuries old Mayan calendar ends.  According to Makua we have evolved through levels of pure survival to levels of ever increasing Spiritual awareness.  Gradually through thousands of years, we have gained awareness of our true nature as the shapers of our own and Creations’ future path.

From Wesselman’s book:  “You see,” Makua said, his dark eyes gazing deeply into the far distance, “it is at the sixth level that we really begin to establish an ongoing and formal connection with ‘Aumakua, our Higher Self, and when we do, we find something that is very important.  This is when we discover ‘Aumakua, our personal god-self, was, is, and forever will be our true teacher in spirit.  This is why we will never find a better teacher than ourselves.”  Makua went on to say concerning this next cycle of existence, “This means that we have to create a new foundation for the next cycle, and what we decide to build on this will determine the spiritual focus as well as our lifeways for much of the next several thousand years.”

Social conditioning is ever more pervasive and powerful as the Technology Age grows, dramatically opening communication between all members of our world community.  We are bombarded each day with opinions and information claiming to define reality.  As we will discuss in these pages, whatever we accept to be true will become true for each of us.  We must recognize that we are in control.  We must refuse to believe in and accept “realities” that we don’t want.  That is why big social changes often take generations to happen.  The old beliefs must slowly fall out of favor to allow new ones to emerge as newer actors on the stage of life form their own viewpoint.  That’s the REALITY we need to know:  we are each in control of our own destiny.  We have the ability to create, through our own imaging, new realities that eventually become the new and improved story lines for the adventure of all conscious life.

A big goal of this guidebook is to provide you with the awareness that you have been cast to play a crucial part in moving the physical world toward a new and more enlightened, joy filled reality.  As you get more involved in these ideas you will find much evidence that we are entering that new age as indicated by Makua.  With any major cultural change there is likely to be great resistance.  The status quo has no interest in changing how the game is played.  Just as personal freedoms and rights seem to be making significant strides forward, forces of discrimination and fear arise to push back.    It is very important that each of us take responsibility NOW for our personal evolution and thus the social and Spiritual evolution of the world we live in.  We all share an assignment – a mission if you will – this is a glorious quest, an adventure of mythical proportion.  As Mikua stated, “This means that we have to create a new foundation for the next cycle, and what we decide to build on this will determine the spiritual focus as well as our lifeways for much of the next several thousand years.”

It does all start with you.  This guidebook will demonstrate to you that what you believe to be reality can be shifted very quickly and that it is just the subjective perception of your mind.  Most important, you will realize that you can alter your reality at will.  It is not a fixed thing.  Reality has no substance other than what you choose to believe.

This guidebook proposes the analogy that your life can be lived as a glorious adventure game – a courageous quest to wield your innate creative power to shape an ever more magnificent and love filled world of beauty and personal satisfaction.  An adventure game where we are at the stage that we can move past a primary focus on the physical dimension.  There will continue to be more wonderful scientific and technological developments but the real playing field has moved to a higher level.  We are now on a quest to engage with our higher selves – that greater part of us that is infinite and all knowing – the higher consciousness part of each of us that has access to an energy field in which all of Creation swims.  Don’t get distracted by any terms that may seem religious.  All of the great religions and mystic traditions have just been attempts to explain the very realizations we are discussing here in terms of the consciousness levels of the time.  The evolution of consciousness is revealing a new perspective and appreciation of the concepts.  This is about energy and learning how to be the conduit for the infinite creative power and knowledge that is your true nature.

My hope is that the words in this guidebook have been chosen and placed in a manner that seeds of this awareness will be planted in many minds.  We do have the power to transform reality and the better we get at transforming it in line with our hopes and dreams, the more joy and love and fun we will have in each of our life experiences.  That’s the real objective of our part in the game – make the world a more carefree and loving place.  By the way, there is nothing “wrong” with anyone or anything.  It is all part of the grand adventure.  Everything is never going to be “perfect” because the evolution of consciousness will continue and we will always be seeking “new and improved” realities.  It is the very things that we are uncomfortable with that drive us ever forward.

Shakespeare’s line, “All the world is a stage and all the men and women are merely players”, is more than mere metaphor.  There is likely a voice in your head that will rebel at this idea but we are going to elaborate – you live in a world of illusions where what you think of as reality is simply the result of conditioned perception and the consensus of opinion of groups of individuals.  You have decided on the components of your personal “reality”.  There is no right or wrong, good or bad in your life accept as you decide it.  It doesn’t matter what anyone else does or thinks, you totally control your own reality – you live in a world significantly different from any of your friends or relatives or co-workers, or anyone else for that matter.  Your reality is unique.  It shares components of the reality of others – things that you have decided to agree upon like gravity and linear time and the basic scenery surrounding you through commonly accepted life activities.  The important point is that everything is based on your choices – 100% control is yours to wield – you can be deliberate about your future or simply reactionary.

Get a copy of the Positivibes Guidebook

Trapped In A Matrix of Perception

What you are about to read may seem fantastic in concept but it is receiving scientific validations in the far reaches of quantum physics. It will all depend on where you find yourself in the evolving continuum of consciousness. Possibly you already realize or suspect that you are capable of being a modern day Merlin or Elven Princess Galadriel. All it takes is accepting that you can call forth the power to perform what will seem to be miracles. These ideas are not intended to be “religious” however religions have been formed around individuals who had mastered the power that each of us inherently possess. One such individual by the name of Jesus is credited with some very dramatic “miracles” and people began to believe he was a God. He actually did not claim to be special, he said, Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do.” That is how the quote went but what Jesus actually was saying was that anyone who “believes” like me can do even greater things than he had. Jesus knew that everyone was capable of wielding the creative power of the Universe. He was trying to teach who ever would listen that all that was required to control your personal reality and accomplish anything your heart desires is developing faith in your ability.

You may be aware of a film called The Matrix. It portrays a future world where humans believe they are living in a normal world but it is actually a virtual reality created by sentient machines that control the consciousness of these humans to create the illusion of seeing and experiencing normal lives. This perceived reality happens to be all in their minds as their captive bodies are being used as an energy source by these machines.  We are pleased to let you know that this is not the case for you – you are not being held prisoner by some alien race or evil forces. However, you have been trapped in a “reality” you have been taught to accept.  While you are going day to day reacting to and dealing with a world that is separate from you, everything is actually totally the creation of your mind. This does not mean it is not “real” but it means that like the formless energy traveling through the air of Wi-Fi, radio or TV signals, they don’t take form until they are translated by some device. Your mind happens to be a very sophisticated translator of the energy and vibration waves we are surrounded by. Your mind also has one major difference from your television set – it can select the details and nature of what it presents on the view screen of your mind. Like an artist working with a photo editing program on a computer, you can manipulate the world of your perceptions in limitless ways. Just like the photo editor altering a picture, as you transform your perceptions you are actually changing your picture of the world that is your personal “reality”.

You can be assured that you have this ability. It is hardwired into your DNA so to speak. That said there have clearly not been a great number of people demonstrating powers like Jesus apparently possessed. So, what was Jesus’ secret? He had unwavering faith in his ability to use the editing software of his consciousness to change the picture while fully believing in the “realness” of that altered reality. His belief “energy” was so strong he could even override the beliefs of everyone around him. Belief that strong has obviously been rare but you are literally defining the reality of everything in the world around you by how you choose to translate energy/vibration through your five senses.  You define everything around you consistent with your beliefs about the world. You are already doing exactly what Jesus did except you are not doing much editing or redesigning of your reality. You lack the realization or certainness of your ability to take creative control and manipulate reality to your wishes. If everyone believes that life is a struggle then it can be very challenging to fully believe the opposite. You can’t change water to wine unless you believe it is possible. For this reason, as you begin to test your abilities you should start with some minor miracles where it is really just for fun and not a life or death matter – it’s easier to believe in the possibility that you really can do it!

It may take some time to build your skill as a Designer of Reality because you find yourself trapped in a “matrix of perception” where there are limits and rules for everything aimed at protecting the status quo and keeping all things as orderly and predictable as possible. What we mean by that is that you are totally accepting of the reality that is predominant in the society you live in which is perfectly normal. The societal view is that everything has limits to what it can be and that you have to be somehow “worthy” to accomplish certain things. The real “reality” is that there is nothing you cannot accomplish if you allow yourself to believe in it.

Eventually you will discover that you are totally in control of everything that happens in your life. This will put you in a “reality” quite different than the world even your close friends live in. It is a world where whatever you choose to “believe” is what will become real and true for you. While there will always be many similarities between your “reality” and the “reality” of others it is only because you have a shared “mind” with those around you. You have your own mind for sure but the beliefs of others naturally have an effect on your thoughts and beliefs. This is why “societies” tend to view the world in similar ways and their “beliefs” about the world tend to change very slowly. Any individual can alter some of his or her ideas about reality instantly as long as they don’t diverge too far from the norm. This is the reason major social changes generally happen very slowly. It takes a one by one change in attitude until enough of a consensus is reached that something different can become the “new” generally accepted reality.

The hope here is that you will want to start learning how to have a more “magical” life right now. It only requires a new way of thinking. It takes refusing to believe in limits of any kind. It will take a contentious effort to never be unhappy or doubtful about getting whatever you want. You are capable of performing “miracles” and you shouldn’t settle for anything less.  You could start with always getting a great parking space when you go somewhere or nurturing the belief that “everything always works out for me” regardless of how things may seem at any given moment. As you belief in your ability increases you can pick bigger and more specific objectives. There is no limit to your creative power if you are willing to accept that to be true.

If you would like some tips on how to develop your ability as a Designer of Reality you can find some direction at There is a free basic training module that you can download and a detailed guidebook called No More Worries that you can get. Your potential is unlimited and as you improve and refine your reality in line with your hopes and dreams, you will send ripples of positive change to the world around you benefiting all of Creation.

LOVE and fear


This picture… beautiful or threatening, somehow unsettling?

Since reality is all in your imagination, there is no right answer.  The choice is yours and that is true for everything you find along the path of your personal life adventure.  You are picking the reality that you are going to get on a moment to moment basis.  Are you getting what you really want?

Your answer will tell you something about your current frame of mind which can be very useful.  All judgement and evaluation is emotionally driven and there are just two root emotions:  love and fear.  If you are finding and thinking about lots of things you “fear”, the picture of reality you see will be filled with lots of things that you really don’t want. We all live in a world of self-fulfilling prophesies.  Anytime you feel any fear you are focusing your creative energy on something you don’t want to be part of your reality.  That “believing in the existence of that which you fear” creates the possibility of a self-fulfilling prophesy.  You are continually conjuring your reality and empowering a particular worldview with your beliefs.

This viewpoint is difficult for many because they find it very difficult to believe that the world of appearances – the story told by your five senses – is entirely the result of past beliefs both individually and collectively.  Also, no two people live in an identical reality – we each very literally live in our own world.  Even harder for people to accept is the fact that there is nothing “solid” about reality.  What we think of as reality is constantly shifting vibration patterns appearing as form based on the frequencies we perceive and translated into forms determined by our own expectations.  A limitless number of individual realities are being “thought” into existence overlapping with each other where there are shared beliefs and expectations.

So, if you can get used to the idea that reality is all in your imagination you will realize that you can make whatever you want for your personal reality to the degree you can control your thinking and keep your attention on where you want to go.  LOVE your adventure and don’t let any fears get you off track – they are the unwanted realities.  This does not mean that you are denying the existence of things you might fear or do not want, it just means that you are removing your energy from them and keeping them from having any significant influence on the world you live in.  With a little time, your example will inspire others to find a new and more satisfying reality for themselves.  Little by little the reality of the whole world can shift – it is just a question of our taking the power away from the disease of fear and keeping our focus on love and joyful world views.


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